
Hi, I’m J. Richard Starr,

As a video editor and graphic designer over the past 12 years, I’ve learned how to tell spell-binding, visual stories that resonate with millions of online viewers.  I also have a natural sense of empathy toward others, which allows me to communicate with people in a deep and meaningful way.  

As your copywriter, content creator, or video production specialist, I will use these same abilities to craft dazzling messages that charm your customers into committed fans.  

Click below for samples of my work. 

Research Writing

Speech Writing

Media Pitch

Press Releases



Advertising Plan

Media Kit

Disclaimer: The samples on this website are for demonstration purposes only and do not reflect actual work that J. Richard Starr has done for any companies.  Outside of the samples themselves, J. Richard Starr does not own any of the copyrights to the properties that these samples illustrate.

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