Applying Cree’s Strategies to an Insulation Business

This week I will analyze some of the strategies and tactics that Cree used as they prepared to launch their consumer LED light bulb in 2013 (Collis, Furey, & Shaffer, 2014, p. 1-25; Gourville & Norris, 2016, p. 1-20).  As I do so, I will discuss how I would use these strategies and tactics if … Read more

Analyzing an IKEA Campaign

This week I will analyze an IMC campaign called “Ikea: A Brand; A Lifestyle.”  This campaign discusses IKEA’s need to expand itself in the United States.  It mentions that there are 34 IKEA stores across the United States, and most of them are near major cities.  This campaign seeks to increase IKEA’s customer base by … Read more

Why Public Relations Should Be Separated from IMC

This week I would like to argue that public relations is a separate management function than marketing and that it should not be structured as a part of IMC.  In order to illustrate this point, I would like to focus on three major ways that public relations serves different functions than marketing.  These points are … Read more

An Analysis of Nokia’s 2010 Campaign

When considering Nokia’s effort to launch their new phone–the N8–in 2010, I think there are some things Nokia did right in their campaign.  First, Nokia was smart to target only one niche group of snowboarders as its main audience for their marketing messages.  Second, I thought it was wise for Nokia to use national marketing … Read more

Defining Integrated Marketing Communication

When I think about integrated marketing communication (IMC), I personally define it as a method of strategically connecting with customers in order to build relationships and influence purchase decisions.  In our book, this is called “relationship marketing” (Blakeman, 2015, p. 2).  This type of marketing operates as businesses use “an outside-in approach” to create a … Read more

The Key Qualities of Persuasive Viral Messages

In this week’s post, I will discuss some of the key lessons that I learned from our reading on designing persuasive messages.  Specifically, one of the things that I appreciated from our reading this week was the discussion on how to create viral advertising (Dafonte-Gomez, 2014, et al.).  Based on our reading, I think that … Read more

The Power of Social Proof

When it comes to rational appeals in persuasion, there are a few important things to remember.  According to our reading, “rational appeals are an effective persuasive technique” because they can get people to “consider message content” in ways that might not otherwise occur (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016, p. 171, 182).  However, rational appeals aren’t effective … Read more

Persuasion and the Theory of Planned Behavior

Persuasive communication “represents any message that is intended to shape, reinforce, or change the responses of another, or others” (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016, p. 12).  These messages can be used in a variety of professional contexts such as getting a job, marketing a new product or service, or helping an organization stay on good terms … Read more

Employee Communication Struggles at IBM

One major concept that stuck out to me from this week’s reading was the idea of how important it can be for an organization to communicate with its employees.  This concept can be important for many reasons.  For example, when a company properly communicates with its employees, it can increase employee satisfaction, build company morale, … Read more

Considering the Needs of Others in Corporate Communication

One of the biggest concepts that stuck out to me this term was the idea that companies should consider the needs and perspectives of others in the decisions they make.  In fact, I don’t think a company can survive without maintaining this perspective.  There are a few reasons why I think this is the case.  … Read more

Nestle’s Social Media Blunder

Companies need to be careful and strategic in how they handle negative issues and crisis situations on social media (Cornelissen, J. P., 2017, p. 191-227).  Preferably, companies should be willing to apologize and express sympathy as quickly as possible when something goes wrong (Schultz, F., 2011, p. 21). This is important for companies to remember … Read more

The Poor Decisions of RBS Bank

Issues management and crisis communication are two very important parts of a company’s communication strategy.  While issues management and crisis management may seem like the same thing on the surface, they are actually slightly different from each other (Gaunt, P., & Ollenburger, J., 1995, p. 199, 202-204).  In our textbook, an issue is defined as … Read more

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